Increasing Customer Subscription Rate by 41% Through One on One Sales Conversations


Conversion Rate


Customer Conversations


Ranked Growth Channel

Using one on one conversations to deliver value propositions can increase customer subscription rates, loyalty, and lifetime value.

Last-Mile Delivery App

About the company

GetScale partnered with a leading Food Delivery company in North America.

GetScale Services Used

The Problem:

The battle for customer loyalty is harder now than it’s ever been. Because of this, subscriptions have become increasingly critical in driving repeat business. GetScale was approached by a multi-billion dollar service provider that had millions of monthly active customers, but struggled with conversion from customer to (premium) subscriber. The partner had spent millions of marketing dollars running awareness campaigns and promotions highlighting the benefits of their subscription, but continued to see low conversion rates.

The Solution:

GetScale built a tailored sales campaign to increase customer loyalty through one on one conversations on behalf of the partner. To measure the impact of the campaign, GetScale and their partner selected 20,000 customers at random to run an A/B test. The “control cohort” featured 10,000 customers who received the partner’s standard communications and promotions, and the “treatment cohort” featured 10,000 customers who received the partner’s standard communications and promotions plus one on one outreach from GetScale. GetScale’s inside sales representatives focused on educating customers on the benefits of subscribing and motivating them to sign-up live on the phone, acting as an extension of the partner’s brand. 

The Results:

GetScale’s outreach increased customer to subscriber conversion by 41.3% (2.87% → 4.05%), outperforming all marketing mediums as the most effective channel for driving new subscriptions. In addition to a substantial increase in new subscribers, GetScale was able to uncover invaluable insights for marketing and product, including highlighting that 1 in 3 customers were unaware of the subscription option and a stack rank of what subscriber benefits customers most valued.

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